Location, CH 3250 Lyss
+41 32 386 11 06

Universal Mobile Gateway
High-End Platform

Software platform optimized to be used by large companies and service providers. Integrated high availability, Multi-Master cluster technology. Modular and highly scalable architecture.

Basis for email to SMS and SMS to email gateway.
Integrated accounting and billing system.

Integrated end-to-end Unicode support.
Configurable formats, rating and limits down to message and sender level.


Our popular mail2sms and web2sms services

Based on Universal Mobile Gateway, we provide this state of the art email to SMS service to any form of business, administration, association, as well as individuals.

It has never been easier to install and use SMS gateway
Best service quality and fees guaranteed!

Premium SMS quality doesn’t have be expensive!

Example for a new product that we can build for you

LemonINFO the modern location based information system

We your support to ensure that corporate clients, club members, organizations, or guests in clubs are always well informed.

The relevant information is quickly found, updated in real time, and automatically expires as soon as it’s no longer relevant.

Nor more endless looking for information in chat histories!

Discover our product, create a channel, or subscribe to your sources.